Give a nonbeliever a bus ride to the Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour.
Patrons Exiting Bus to Attend God Loves You Tour Festival
A $14 Bus Ride Could Have an Eternal Impact

For the first time in centuries, there are more nonbelievers than Christians in the United Kingdom. Yet many residents are still longing for purpose, meaning, and eternal hope that only comes from Jesus Christ.

With your gift today, you can make a lasting difference in two of the U.K.’s largest cities.

For just $14, you can provide a bus ride for one person to attend the Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour on June 15 in Birmingham, England, or June 22 in Glasgow, Scotland—and help someone hear the truth of the Gospel.

Will you give the gift of Good News today?
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
—Romans 1:16, ESV